Center for the Evaluation of Language and Communication Technologies

The Center for the Evaluation of Language and Communication Technologies was an organisation devoted to the evaluation of language technologies, located in Povo, Trento.
CELCT was established in 2003 by FBK and DFKI, and was funded by the Autonomous Province of Trento. The goals of CELCT were "to set up infrastructures and develop skills in order to operate successfully in the field of the evaluation of language and communication technologies, becoming a reference point in the field at the national and European levels."
CELCT interpreted its mission by carrying out several activities in the field of HLT evaluation, mainly focusing on the organization of national and international evaluation campaigns and on the creation of speech and text corpora in different languages and at different linguistic annotation levels.
CELCT's activities were closed on December 31, 2013. The staff working at CELCT at the time of its closure is continuing their research activities within FBK.

European projects

CELCT was involved in the following initiatives devoted to the evaluation of Natural Language Processing tools, collaborating with various organizations and networks of excellence both at the national and international level:
CELCT produced a number of scientific publications in all its activity fields.