Center for the Study of Genocide, Conflict Resolution, and Human Rights

The Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights is a non-profit organization based at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. The Center seeks to enhance the understanding of genocide, political violence, and protracted conflict and related mechanisms for their prevention and resolution. With an interdisciplinary faculty of over 40 distinguished scholars from all three Rutgers campuses, and support from an internationally renowned advisory board and network of affiliated scholars/ professionals the Center has a broad base of partnerships across the United States and the globe. CGHR is led by founder and Director Alexander Hinton; Associate Director Nela Navarro; and Director of Global Relations Stephen Bronner.

Mission statement

According to the center's website, "The Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights seeks to enhance our understanding of and find solutions to the most pressing 21st century challenges related to peace and conflict. To this end, the Center promotes cutting-edge research and scholarship on issues such as genocide, conflict resolution, sustainability, justice, global health, and human rights."



With a wide range of international partners in Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cambodia, Canada, Denmark, England, Norway, Rwanda, as well as a transnational partnership, the CGCHR focuses its programs across the world building cooperation through international relationships.


The center has partnerships with the American Mideast Leadership Network, The Darfur Rehabilitation Project, Genocide Watch, the Institute for the Study of Genocide, and the New Jersey Commission on Holocaust Education. In addition, the CGCHR works with various Rutgers based partners across the three campuses in Camden, New Brunswick, and Newark.


According to the center's website: "In addition to its Global Education Program, CGHR engages a number of other activities related to education, including graduate studies and internships. The Center also includes student associates and hosts Visiting Scholars and Senior Research Fellows, who work on specific CGHR projects and programs. In addition, CGHR's first partner, the Documentation Center of Cambodia, has a Public Information Room in the CGHR suite and co-sponsors a wide ranges of activities, including lectures, speakers series, exhibitions, and a large archive of microfilm, photographs, and digital films related to the Cambodian genocide."


According to the center's website: "CGHR currently has eight research clusters/programs on topics ranging from genocide to war and global understanding. In addition, CGHR has a number of research projects that focus on specific issues within and across these clusters, such as the U.S.-MidEast Dialogue Project, the Forgotten Genocides Project, and the Global Dialogue Initiative."

Further Reading/Publications

According to the center's website: "To further research, scholarship, education, and outreach related to genocide and other world challenges, CGHR publishes the "Genocide, Political Violence, and Human Rights" book series in partnership with Rutgers University Press and an on-line e-zine, The Rutgers Humanist. In addition, the Center holds seminars and conferences that result in related books, articles, policy papers, and special journal issues."

CGHR-Related Publications

Alexander Hinton, Thomas LaPointe, and Douglas Irvin-Erickson, co-editors, Hidden Genocides: Power, Knowledge, Memory. Rutgers University Press, 2014.
Genese Sodikoff, ed., The Anthropology of Extinction: Essays on Culture and Species Death. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Arthur Romano, Peace Education booklet. Newark, NJ: Paul Robeson Gallery.
Daniel Veneciano and Alex Hinton, eds. Night of the Khmer Rouge: Genocide and Justice in Cambodia. Newark, NJ: Paul Robeson Gallery, 2007.