Central Andean puna

The Central Andean puna is a montane grasslands and shrublands ecoregion in the Andes of southern Peru, Bolivia, and northern Argentina.


The landscape in this ecoregion consists of high mountains with permanent snow and ice, meadows, lakes, plateaus, and valleys. It transitions to the Central Andean wet puna to the north and the Central Andean dry puna to the south. Elevations range from.


The climate is Köppen climate classification cold semi-arid. Precipitation ranges from per year.


Flora consists typically of open meadows with rocks, bunchgrass, herbs, moss, and lichen. Grasses are represented by the genera Calamagrostis, Agrostis, and Festuca. Parastrephia lepidophylla and Margyricarpus are small bush species found here. Azorella compacta and Puya raimondi are shared with the wet puna. Polylepis, Buddleja, and Escallonia are trees found at lower elevations.


Darwin's rhea and the puna mouse are endemic mammal species found here. Vicuña, guanaco, chinchilla, and viscacha. Threatened bird species include the royal cinclodes, the tamarugo conebill, James's flamingo, and the giant coot.

Natural areas