Central Hindu Girls School, also known as C.H.G.S and Girls School, is a girlssecondary school in Gurubagh, Bhelupur, Varanasi. It was established in 1904 by Dr. Annie Besant. Central Hindu Girls School is now an integral part of Banaras Hindu University and one of the oldest premier institutions for girl's education in the city. The school is 117 years old. Nursery and Primary Section has a separate co-ed campus in kolhua. After that, from class 6th onwards, the girls are separately taught in the Central Hindu Girls School, Kamachha Varanasi.
Central Hindu Girls School was established in 1904 by Dr. Annie Besant. Initially the school was called Kanya Vidyalaya. In 1915, along with Central Hindu Boys School, the Girls school too was handed over to the Banaras Hindu University by Dr. Annie Besant. In 1976, the school adopted the 10+2education system and also got affiliated with CBSE. The school is currently a part of the Banaras Hindu University and is governed by the University administration. in 1897
The Central Hindu Girls School's campus is split in two parts; for grades PK to V students in Kolhua and grades VI toXII in Gurubag. Main campus is spread over 6.5 acres and houses the school, laboratories and library. School library has more than 16,000 publications. School has 44 classrooms and also houses several halls and playgrounds. Classes from grades PK to fifth grades are held in the Kolhua campus under co-ed arrangement. From VI to XII, the students are segregated for further education in Central Hindu Girls School and Central Hindu Boys School for girls and boys educations respectively.
Admission in Primary Section is taken in class Nursery-A. Every year the admission procedure starts from 1st April. These admissions are made by lottery system, where minimum age for admission of a child is 3+. The Admission in Senior Sections of the school are made in classes VI, IX and XI through a common entrance test known as School Entrance Test conducted by the Banaras Hindu University every year. The eligibility and reservation policy is decided by the policy making bodies of the Banaras Hindu University.