Centre de services scolaire des Draveurs

The Centre de services scolaire des Draveurs is one of 4 public Francophone school service centres operating in the Outaouais region, Quebec. The school board was created in 1986 in the old city of Gatineau about 15 years before amalgamation. The board is responsible for primary, secondary and adult schools located in the former city of Gatineau as well as in the municipalities of Val-des-Monts and Cantley located north of Gatineau. Its current president is Christine Emond-Lapointe, a former Bloc Québécois candidate for the riding of Pontiac in the 2006 Canadian federal elections. The general manager is Francois Jette.
The board operates 24 primary schools across the Gatineau sector as well as in Cantley and Val-des-Monts. However, it recent years, they have closed certain primary schools due to lower yearly attendance at those schools.
The board also operates 4 high schools : Polyvalente de l'Érablière, Polyvalente Nicolas-Gatineau, Polyvalente Le Carrefour and École secondaire du Versant and offers transportation to students attending Collège Saint-Joseph de Hull and Collège Saint-Alexandre, the city's two private schools.
It also operates professional and adult formation centres including the Centre de Competence Outaouais and the L'Escale and Nouvelle-Horizon center for adults.
Several councillors of the City of Gatineau were formally or are school trustees at the CSD. Among those included Aurèle Desjardins, Joseph de Sylva, Paul Morin and Luc Angers.
Its motto is : Decouvrir, Grandir, Devenir

Primary schools
