Centre for Policy Development

Centre for Policy Development is a leading independent public policy think tank. It was established in 2007 as an institute for long-term policy development, in an effort to counteract the focus on short-term fixes and political gains in Australian policy making. Its motto is to embrace ‘the long-term now’. CPD offers rigorous solutions to long-term challenges. In doing so, CPD seeks to change the nature of policy discussion and drive better public policy for Australia’s future.
CPD is independent and non-partisan. It is open about its values as well as its funding sources. It is not an academic research unit, a lobby group or a campaign body. It is not affiliated with any political party. Its founders were John Menadue AC and Miriam Lyons, who were the inaugural Chairperson and Executive Director.


CPD works towards the following vision for Australia:
Across each of these objectives, CPD combines the best domestic and international ideas and insights and helps build the dynamic, progressive policy agenda Australia needs to thrive over the long-term.


CPD aims to maximise its impact on the policy landscape in Australia with a threefold strategy to create, connect, and convince:
CPD has three core research programs, detailed below. Across each of these programs CPD develops, publishes, presents and tests papers and policy proposals on topical issues.
Effective Government
Within this program CPD explores the nature and role of a purposeful and proactive democratic government in the 21st century. Lines of enquiry include:
Sustainable economy
Within this program CPD identifies options for Australia to make a rapid transition to an environmentally and socially sustainable economy. Lines of enquiry include:
Intergenerational Wellbeing
This program is dedicated to research into policy challenges central to fostering social mobility and tackling disadvantage over the long term, both in Australia and further abroad across the Asia-Pacific. It explores questions such as:
Recent work has included reports on climate security, sustainable agriculture, measuring public sector efficiency, human services, the marine economy, and the state of Australia’s schools. CPD has also led the establishment of a second track dialogue on forced migration.


Central staff

CPD has been commended by eminent Australians for its research and the role it has occupies in public life. Examples include:
Professor The Hon. Gareth Evans, AC, QC lauding CPD’s “depth of research analysis… and impressive work on irregular immigration, public sector efficiency, and the marine economy”.
The Hon. Fred Chaney, AO commended “CPD’s commitment to fairness, wellbeing and sustainability and its contribution to research in the public rather than sectional interest”.
Janet Holmes à Court, AO is quoted as saying that “policy institutes… should have a clear understanding of the challenges ahead, and bring the unusual suspects together to secure outcomes consistent with Australian values. CPD delivers on both counts”.