
Ceratonykus is a genus of alvarezsaurid theropod dinosaur that existed in the late Cretaceous period. The discovery of a fragmented skeleton in Mongolia in early 2009 has led scientists to question where alvarezsaurids fit taxonomically into Theropoda.


Ceratonykus was a long-legged dinosaur that appears to have been adapted for running in the desert. It was very small, with a skull length of. In 2010 Paul estimated its length at 60 cm, its weight at 1 kg. In 2016 Molina-Pérez and Larramendi gave a length of 75 cm and a weight of 760 grams with a hip height of 30 cm.
Originally thought to be one of the earliest members of flightless birds, alvarezsaurids have recently been regarded as more basal theropods. Skeletal remains suggest that they had tiny but stout forelimbs and compact birdlike hands. The skeletal structure also suggests that this dinosaur possessed significant breast and arm muscles that were likely adapted for tearing and digging. They had elongate jaws with minute teeth and a tubular snout that suggests they could have been adapted to feed on insects such as termites.