Chaim Dovid Zwiebel

Chaim Dovid Zwiebel is the Executive Vice-President of Agudath Israel of America. Zwiebel joined the organization
as a vice president
after first working for many years at a law firm, and was selected for his current position in 2008 after the passing of his predecessor, Moshe Sherer.

Prior involvement

Zwiebel was part of the 1992 effort by "conservative Catholic and Jewish groups," to oppose "right-to-die" proponents who were advocating for legislation to "allow family members to speak for patients who can no longer speak for themselves." At that time, he was serving Agudath Israel as general counsel and director of government affairs.

As Executive Vice President

He helped Agudath Israel organize and operate the August 2012 National Celebration of the 12th Siyum HaShas in MetLife Stadium, the largest gathering for Orthodox Jewry in the history of the United States; 90,000 people attended.
As part of an ongoing challenge regarding religious freedom, Zwiebel, described by The New York Times as "leader of an ultra-Orthodox group," was successful in pushing for the repeal by current NYC Mayor de Blasio of what The Times had previously called prior Mayor Bloomberg's attempt "to regulate Jewish Circumcision."