Chala Hawa Yeu Dya is an Indian television show in the Marathi language originally aired on Zee Marathi. The show opens with Nilesh Sable's topical comic monologue, then transitions into guest interviews featuring celebrity guests typically from the Marathi film and theatre industry followed by comedic sketches by recurring performers Bhalchandra Kadam, Kushal Badrike, Sagar Karande, Shreya Bugade, Ankur Badhave, Yogesh Shirsat, Tushar Deol and Bharat Ganeshpure. The show has been applauded for providing a much-needed promotional platform for the regional language Marathi film and theatre. The show debuted on 18 August 2014 and the 100th episode of the show aired on 28 July 2015. From 14 December 2015, the show aired its season 2 with the extended title Chala Hawa Yeu Dya Maharashtra Daura. From 01 May 2017, the show aired its season 3 with the extended title Chala Hawa Yeu Dya Bharat Daura. From 08 January 2018, the show aired its season 4 with the extended title Jagbhar Chala Hawa Yeu Dyaconsisting of the comedian's World Tour journey, sponsored by Veena World Tours. However, the fourth season received negative response from the audience stating that it was gaudy comedy. The fifth season began right after the end of the fourth season with its title 'Chala Hawa Yeu Dya Hou De Viral' in 27 August 2018. Sixth season was aired with title 'Chala Hawa Yeu Dua Shelibrity Pattern' on 29 April 2019.
Sketch comedy
The show follows a recurring theme in the sketch comedy. The premise of the sketch is the fictional village of Thukratwadi where host Nilesh Sable, playing himself, invites the celebrity guests at his cafe. Nilesh is the writer of most of these comedy sketches with improv acts by the actors. The format of the show begins with introductions of the celebrity guests that is mostly tied up with upcoming promotions of a film or theatre release. Nilesh plays himself as the owner of the cafe of Thukratwadi. The interview is interspersed with comedic bits that include Bharat Ganeshpure who is the sarpanch making formal introductions of the guests.
Shelibrity Pattern This is a special season by the show where television celebrities compete with each other through performing comedy skits on stage. The top 7 contestants of this season are:- Sharmila Rajaram Shinde Adwait dadarkar Umesh jagtap Rahul magdum Abhidnya bhave Raj hanchnale Pravin dalimbkar
Season 1
Nilesh Sable as himself - He is the owner of the cafe of Thukratwadi where their guests are invited.
Bhalchandra Kadam as Pappa is Nilesh's father. He is known to confuse people's names and ends up in comedic situations as a result.
Kushal Badrike as Nilesh's twin brother He is a big movie buff and obsessed with pursuing acting as a career.
Shreya Bugade as Neighbour
Ankur Wadhawe as Ajoba
Bharat Ganeshpure as Sarpanch Bharat Ganeshpure - The Sarpanch is the traditional village chief who welcomes Nilesh's guests to Thukratwadi. He repeatedly mispronounces names of the guests and frequently blames the writers for bad handwriting or writing in English instead of Marathi. His token gesture of welcoming guests includes gifting a flower bouquet to each guest just for the sake of the official photograph and then taking it back, citing shortage of bouquets.
Sagar Karande as the lavani queen, Postman kaka, Puneri kaku
Shreya Bugade as Sarpanch's daughter. She is a close friend of Kushal's and always barges into the cafe with the hope of finding her Prince Charming. Bugade also plays various characters on the series.
Vinit Bonde as constable
Tushar Deval as various characters
Maharashtra Daura
Nilesh Sable as Sadanad Buche
Sagar Karande as the lavani queen, Postman kaka, Puneri kaku
Bharat Ganeshpure as judge at celebrity courtroom trials,Prashant Amle,Vandekar Bhauji, Police Inspector.
Bhalchandra Kadam as Jyotish Baaskar, Shantabai, Daya.
Kushal Badrike as Advocate, ACP
Vinit Bonde as Constable
Ramesh Wani as various characters
Shashikant Kerkar as various characters
Sandip Redkar as various characters
Shreya Bugade also plays various characters on the series
Bharat Daura
Nilesh Sable as Host, Sadanad Buche
Sagar Karande as the lavani queen, Postman kaka, Puneri kaku, Lawyer
Bharat Ganeshpure as Judge, Prashant Amle,Vandekar Bhauji, Police Inspector.
Bhalchandra Kadam as Jyotish Baaskar, Shantabai, Daya
Kushal Badrike as Advocate, ACP
Shreya Bugade as Various Characters
Ankur Wadhave as Various Characters
Nilesh Sable as Host, Sadanad Buche
Sagar Karande as the Lavani queen, Postman kaka, Puneri kaku, Lawyer
Bharat Ganeshpure as Judge, Prashant Amle,Vandekar Bhauji, Police Inspector.
Bhalchandra Kadam as Jyotish Baaskar, Shantabai, Daya