Charbhadrasan Upazila

Charbhadrasan or Char Bhadrasan is an Upazila of Faridpur District in the Division of Dhaka, Bangladesh.


Charbhadrasan is located at . It has 12415 households and total area 141.59 km².
The Geographical position:
Charbhadrasan size of a small area. Padma was happy to note that it depends on the size and range. North - South travel through the Doha lauhajam Harirampur in the east - Sadarpur the south, in the south - west of Nagarakanda and west - north - Faridpur Sadar Upazila.


As of the 1991 Bangladesh census, Charbhadrasan has a population of 69876. Males constitute 51.36% of the population, and females 48.64%. This Upazila's eighteen up population is 34758. Charbhadrasan has an average literacy rate of 20.5%, and the national average of 32.4% literate.


Charbhadrasan has 4 Unions/Wards, 25 Mauzas/Mahallas, and 129 villages. Administration Charbhadrasan thana was established in 1914 at Charsalehpur. It was turned into an upazila in 1983. The upazila consists of 4 union parishads, 27 mouzas and 138 villages.