Charhdi Kala

In Sikhism, chardi kala is the Punjabi term for aspiring to maintain a mental state of eternal optimism and joy. Sikhs are ideally expected to be in this positive state of mind as a sign of their contentment with the will of God, even during the times of adversity.
It can be translated as "positive attitude" or "ascending energy". It is also described as being in "high spirits" or “positive, buoyant and optimistic” attitude to life and to the future. Chardi kala is the state of mind in which a person has no negative emotions like fear, jealousy or enmity. Instead the mind has many positive feelings including joy, satisfaction and self-dignity.
Sikhs believe in the will of God. They also believe that the God is without enemies, and is always merciful. Hence, the humans should accept his will even at times one suffers severe hardship. Thus, chardi kala is the indicator of a Sikh’s absolute faith in the Akal Purakh. This attitude allows one to face the hardships with as little harm as possible. This also involves joining and helping others in their hour of need.