Charles James Fox (doctor)

Charles James Fox was an English physician.


The only known description of his life are the obituaries written at his death:
16 May
Death of Dr. Charles James Fox. – We have to record the death of Dr. Charles James Fox, who will long be remembered for his unbounded kindness to the Catholic clergy of London, and, we may even say, of England. The late Dr. Fox not only gave his professional services gratuitously to every priest, but in former years, was in the habit of receiving into his house those clerics who did not reside in the metropolis and more especially the students of St. Edmund's College. His generous kindness and able services were deeply appreciated both by Bishop Griffiths and Cardinal Wiseman, the latter of whom expressed his sense of this in a letter which is gratefully treasured by the afflicted family. Dr. Fox was a most exemplary Catholic, and closed a holy and suffering life by a peaceful death on Tuesday last. We must not omit to add that Dr. Fox's services to the clergy were acknowledged by his Holiness Pope Pius IX., who sent him, at Cardinal Wiseman's request a special Benediction. The Requiem Mass will take place on the morning of the Funeral at eleven o'clock, in the Church of Our Lady and St. Joseph, Kingsland.-R.I.P.
23 May
THE LATE DR. C.J. Fox.-The tribute of respect which we paid to the memory of this excellent man was necessarily to brief to do complete justice to its subject. It is to the elder generation of our clergy that his merits are best known, and one of that body is desirous of recording the deep respect, if he may not rather say the reverence, with which he looks back upon the holy conscientious, and self-denying life of this good and faithful servant of Our Lord. The medical profession presents so many temptations to religious indifference that one who, like the late Dr. Fox, always united the spirit of devotion with a strict attention to his professional duties, deserves to be held up as an example of what is practicable, because it has been practised. An early riser, he was always at daily Mass, except when called out by imperative duty. He not only gave the early hours of the morning to gratuitous advice, but as this writer can testify from experience, would go a distance to visit poor patients at the request of the clergy, and repeat such visits time after time. As was stated last week, he used to open his house to the reception of poor priests or students, though his means were never large. From the clergy he never exacted and always refused a fee, and when his visit was over would go on his knees for a benediction, which he used to say was the best of all fees. Truly, if a life of humble faith, self-denying charity, and severe domestic suffering is the best grounds of Christian hope, then may the family and friends of the late Dr. Fox feel the most undoubting confidence that he has died from a life of trial and suffering to the eternal reward which awaits the true servants of Our Lord.-F. O.
CHURCH OF OUR LADY AND ST. JOSEPH, KINGSLAND: – THE LATE DR. CHARLES J.AMES FOX.- On Monday last, at eleven o'clock a solemn Mass of Requiem for this good and exemplary Catholic, whose demise we had to record last week, was celebrated in this church by the Bishop of Amyela, the Very Rev. G. Last being Assistant Priest, and the Revv. FF. J. Fox and E.J. Barnett, O.M.I., deacon and sub-deacon. The affectionate regard felt for the memory of the deceased and his widow was evinced by the presence of numerous congregation. The London clergy were also largely represented. Besides the Coadjutor-Bishop of the Diocese, and the above-named officiating priests, and the Father of Charity who serve this church, we noticed the Very Rev. Dr. Gilbert, V.G., Rev. Dr. McCorry, Rev. P. O'Callaghan, Rev. A. W. Dolan, Rev. E.Pennington, Rev. J. Furlong, O.S.A., Rev. P. Phelan, Rev. L. Pycke, Rev. C.J.M. Smith, Rev. W. Ring, O.M.I. After the Requiem, the body was conveyed for interment to Our Lady's Cemetery, Kensal-green, accompanied by the mourners and friends.-R.I.P.
THE LATE DR JAMES FOX – On Monday morning a solemn mass of requiem was sung in the Church of Our Lady and St. Joseph, Tottenham road, Kingsland, for the repose of the soul of Charles James Fox, MD, formerly of 30, New Broadstreet, and late of 13, Finbury-square and Stoke-Newington. The service was performed by the Right Reverend Dr. Weathers, Lord Bishop of Amyela, who was assisted by Canon Last, the Rev. W.H. Lewthwaite, and several other priests of the vicinity. The proceedings were observed with much solemnity, a considerable congregation being present. Dr. Fox was greatly beloved amongst a large circle, and his death, at the ripe age of 75, has evoked many expressions of the esteem with which he was regarded during his lifetime. He was consulting-physician to the Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Hospital, and also to the Royal Hospital for Diseases of the crest. The funeral took place at the Roman Catholic Cemetery of Kensal-green


Charles James Fox, son of Joseph Fox, married Windsor, 12 Aug 1828 with Anne Mary Guion daughter of Capt.RN Gardiner Henry Guion and Polini
Witnesses were Joseph Fox, R.D. Mitchell, & Anna Maria Dore
1- Charles James Fox + married 1st Elizabeth Anna Carkeit 2 Sep 1853; 2nd ca 1890 Agatha Fulker
2- Francis Fox, never married, dsp
3- Gardiner Guion Joseph Fox ++, never married, dsp
4- Henry Edward Fox +++ married Notre Dame de Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 12 Sep 1870 with Sarah Jane Lawson. Descendants are living in Canada.
5- Frederick William Fox never married, dsp
6- Emily Josephine Fox married Londen, 2 Oct 1867 with. Numerous descendants are living in the Netherlands and America
7- Alfred John Fox
+ Charles James was one of the founders of modern dentistry
++ Went to sea at 15 in a merchant service. Mary Ann was his first ship. He had a hard life on board. He took an oath he woned never swear and drink. He never came home for twelve years. He joined the P+O through Lord Hardwick and Count Ineleta?. Then he joined the Telegraph Company and laid cables. Afterwards he became a corn merchant remained three years at home and then joined another company He got a sunstroke fell from a balcony and died at the Catholic Hospital 11 Feb 1881 and was buried by the Jesuits at Singapore
+++ Obituary of Henry Edward Fox November 1915
Mr. H.E. Fox Dead
Was Portrait Painter and Member of St. Paul's Church The funeral took place yesterday of Mr. Henry Edward Fox of Cornwall street, who was for the past 35 years a member of St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church. Mr Fox was a portrait painter. He was 82 years of age. He was educated in England at St. Edmund's College and in French universities. He is survived by six children; Mrs Flynn of Bracebridge; Mrs S.M. Lomas, Dunedin N. Z.; Mrs J Evans ; Miss Lena, Thomas and Louis. Members of his family are prominent in England and Holland.


Beatisseme Pater
Carolus Jacobus Fox ad pedes Sanctitatis Vestrae provolutus humillime supplicat pro se suaque familia et consanguineis et affinibus usque ad gradum tertium inclusive necnon pro infrascriptis amicis ut Sanctitas Vestra apostolicam Benedictionem itemque Indulgentiam Plenariam in articulo Mortis supradictis supplicibus nunc impertiri beniguc dignetur
Quod Deus-
Joannes O’ReganAnna Cox
Patrilius O’ConnorMargarita Cox
Ludovicus VaughanElizabeth Ecquilbec
AdolphJoanna Adolph
Maria Flynn

Pro gratia semper
Pius W IX