Charlotte Mineau

Charlotte Mineau was an American film actress of the silent era.


Mineau appeared in 65 films between 1913 and 1931. She supported Charlie Chaplin on numerous occasions, and also appeared in several very early Laurel and Hardy comedies.
One of her last screen appearances was with the Marx Brothers and Thelma Todd in Monkey Business where she appears as "Emily", a woman overheard by Groucho having an illicit affair on the veranda during the party scene. Her last known film appearance was in the Hal Roach two-reeler, Strictly Unreliable, again with Thelma Todd and ZaSu Pitts, in which Mineau, credited as "Charlotte Meno", plays Todd's landlady, Mrs. Hawkins.
Mineau was born in Michigan and died in Los Angeles, California.

Partial filmography