Chartered Institute of Linguists

Founded in 1910, the Chartered Institute of Linguists received its Royal Charter in 2005, and is a professional association for language professionals. CIOL supports linguists throughout their careers, and promotes proficiency in modern languages worldwide.
Professional grades of membership are: Associate, Member and Fellow ; three pre-professional grades are: Student Affiliate, IoLET Affiliate and Career Affiliate.
The IoL Educational Trust is a registered charity and accredited awarding organisation. From 2019 it has traded as CIOL Qualifications.
As a Chartered body, CIOL holds the register of Chartered Linguists in the public interest, a source of qualified, practising and experienced professional linguists. Members and Fellows may apply to be on the Chartered Linguist register if they fulfil the required criteria.
CIOL's patron is Prince Michael of Kent.

Some notable living Fellows and Honorary Fellows

The CIOL's associated charity IoL Educational Trust is a language assessment and regulated awarding body. Among other things, the qualifications are useful for court and police interpreting. These are: