Checking Out (play)

Checking Out is a 1976 Broadway play written by Allen Swift. It opened on September 14, 1976 at the Longacre Theatre and closed on September 25, 1976 after 16 performances.

Original production

The show was directed by Jerry Adler, scenery David Jenkins, lighting Ken Billington, costumes Carol Luiken, production stage manager Murray Gitlin, and press by Susan Bloch.
The opening night cast starred Joan Copeland, Hy Anzell, Allen Swift, Jonathan Moore, Mason Adams, Larry Bryggman, Tazewell Thompson, and Michael Gorrin.


Morris Applebaum's apartment on West 57th Street.
;Act I
;Act II — A few days later, morning


An aging Yiddish stage actor decides to schedule and stage-manage his own death.