Chembur Karnatak High School

Chembur Karnatak High School, is an English medium school located in Chembur in Mumbai, India. The school has a strength of 2990 students. Two medium of instruction are offered - English from Nursery to SSC, and Kannada from Std. VIII to Std. X. A Junior College of Commerce and Science is also part of the School. Astronomy and quiz are a school strong point.

SSC curriculum

The institution has an accredited centre of National Open School through which young and old with truncated school careers complete their Secondary/Senior Secondary education. The Sangha has opened a Health Care Centre at the campus to give medical attention to the staff, students and the members. There are plans to develop the Health care centre into a full-fledged clinic and dispensary.


The school motto is "Mentally alert, Physically strong and Morally sound ".

Other schools