
ChemistryOpen is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that publishes articles in all areas of chemistry and related fields. It is a fully open access journal published by Wiley-VCH on behalf of Chemistry Europe and is a sister publication to other scientific journals published by Wiley-VCH, including Angewandte Chemie and Chemistry—A European Journal. ChemistryOpen was the first society-owned chemistry journal to be fully open access.
The Editorial Board is chaired by , , , .
According to the Journal Citation Reports, the journal has an impact factor of 2.370.

Sister Journals

ChemistryOpen is part of Chemistry Europe, an association of 16 chemical societies from 15 European countries. It publishes a family of academic chemistry journals, including Chemistry—A European Journal, European Journal of Organic Chemistry, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, Chemistry—Methods, Batteries & Supercaps, ChemBioChem, ChemCatChem, ChemElectroChem, ChemMedChem, ChemPhotoChem, ChemPhysChem, ChemPlusChem, ChemSusChem, ChemSystemsChem, ChemistrySelect, ChemistryOpen.