Cherish Life Queensland

Cherish Life Queensland is a non-denominational, non-party political anti-abortion organisation founded in Brisbane in 1970, before the emergence of similar organisations in other Australian states. CLQ is the state affiliate for the Federation of Right to Life Associations. Another pro-life group with a name similar to CLQ's original name, Right to Life Australia also operates in Queensland, but is not a Federation of RTL groups' affiliate and prefers a direct action approach to opposing abortion and euthanasia.
Cherish Life Queensland Inc/Queensland Right to Life has been funded by donation only since its inception in 1970. The association was formed by a group of concerned conservative Christian women who saw what was happening in America in regards to the push for the legalisation of abortion and wanted to prevent its legalisation in their state. The Queensland Supreme Court decision R v Bayliss in 1986 ruled that health exceptions to the state's abortion ban were constitutional.
At the General Meeting on 21 June 2008, the members present voted for a change of name from "Queensland Right to Life" to "Cherish Life Queensland", which they believed would more accurately represent their opposition to embryonic stem cell research and to assisted suicide as well as to abortion.