Chhan, Bhopal

Chhan is a village in the Bhopal district of Madhya Pradesh, India. It is located in the Huzur tehsil and the Phanda block. The Institute of Professional Education and Research is located near this village.


According to the 2011 census of India, Chhan has 415 households. The effective literacy rate is 85.78%.
Children aged below 6 years248145103
Scheduled caste239132107
Scheduled tribe733439
Workers 615498117
Main workers 598490108
Main workers: Cultivators68599
Main workers: Agricultural labourers624715
Main workers: Household industry workers12120
Main workers: Other45637284
Marginal workers 1789
Marginal workers: Cultivators110
Marginal workers: Agricultural labourers615
Marginal workers: Household industry workers000
Marginal workers: Others1064