Chhihin Sharif
Chhihin Sharif is a village near Bilariaganj in Azamgarh District of Uttar Pradesh state in India. It is located 12 km towards South from Azamgarh and is 262 km away from state capital Lucknow. Chhihin Sharif is part of Sagri tehsil of Azamgarh District. It has a population of 2,673, as per Population Census
After the partition of India in 1947, a lot of the then population migrated to the new nation Pakistan and majority of them were literate.
There are 359 families residing in Chhihin.
Chhihin Sharif has a large graveyard named Chhihin Dargah and it's coordinates are 26°10'03"N 83°14'58"E.
The nearest town to Chhihin is Bilariaganj
Urdu is local dialect used in Chhihin Sharif.