Chief Executive of NHS England

There have been eight chief executives of NHS England since the post was established in 1985, following the report and recommendation of Sir Roy Griffiths.
  1. Victor Paige 1985–1986
  2. Len Peach 1986–1989
  3. Duncan Nichol 1989–1994
  4. Alan Langlands 1994–2000
  5. Nigel Crisp 1 November 2000 – 6 March 2006.
  6. Ian Carruthers 7 March 2006September 2006
  7. David Nicholson September 2006 – 31 March 2014
  8. Simon Stevens 1 April 2014 – present
From 1985 until 2013 the NHS Executive and its predecessor bodies formed part of the .
Since April 2013 has been an independent statutory body.
Its clinicians, managers and health experts are employed as public officials not as civil servants.