Children of the Rune

Children of the Rune is a Korean novel by Jeon Min-Hee. The novel is set in the same world found in the online video game Talesweaver, but has a different storyline. The world first appeared in a Korean online chatting program, 4Leaf. It has two parts; the first is Winterer, and the second is Demonic. The third part is "Blooded". Currently being published in "Kakaopage" This website is not available out side of Korea.


All nations are on a single continent shaped like Australia. The middle of the continent is dominated by a desert named "Mortal Land", literally "a land that when entered guarantees death". To the west is Anomarad, the main area of Talesweaver. The Anomarad area has a milder climate, compared to the northern areas such as Orlanne or Lemme. Before Ganapoly was founded, the whole continent was said to be an endless wasteland. Far to the south lies Ichabon Islands, and to the far north lies the Islands of the Moon.

Kingdoms and their history

Anomarad : The capital city is Keltica. It is the main area of Talesweaver, and the Nenyaffle Institute is situated here. It has a mild climate. A few years before the novel, the republic government had fallen, and the political situation is still unstable. It is governed by royalty, and the republic resistance has a major hub here.
Travachess : It is the south area of the continent, and is in a basin. This causes cold, dry winds from the mountains to sink down. The capital is Ron. It is the homeland of Boris Jineman, the main character of the first book, "Winterer". The government is a titular republic, but in reality the governor is elected by political ties.
Mortal Land, an area of the ancient magic kingdom of Ganapoly : Now a desert filled with ghosts and ruins, before the historical age it was an area of Ganapoly.
Rugdurnense Union : South-eastern area. It is a union of city-states. It has passed its peak of prosperity, and the capital is changed annually.
Ichabon Islands : The Arnim family owns this area. They are descendants of the Ganapoly. To prove their loyalty to Arnim family, they regularly pay tribute. The Anomarad people believe the islands are deserted. Two notable islands are Perriwinkle and Red Sky Island.
Islands of the Moon : Currently is independent of the nations of the continent. The only way to reach the island is by stopping at Ebb Island, between the continent and the Islands of the Moon. The people worship the Goddess of the Moon and want to reconstruct 'the ancient kingdom'. Many things resemble Ganapoly. The names of people are said to predict their life. People on the continent don't know the island exists.
Sansruria : Northeastern area of the continent, isolated by the sea and Mortal Land. One of this country's customs is it practices theocracy. They worship the god Sansru ; only the high priestess can become Queen. The princess cannot marry before being enthroned.
Lemme : Northern area of the continent. Barbarians and civilized people coexist, yet the air is tense. The capital is Eltivo.
Orlanne : The northwestern area of the continent. It is ruled by the Orlanne family. The capital is Orlie.


An ancient kingdom of magic which fell due to the Weapons of Evil. It is said that everyone, including children and beggars, could use magic. The strongest magician was to take the throne and rule over Ganapoly. Ganapoly was situated in a great desert. Mortal Land was created because of the failed magic Prayer of Extinguishment , which not only eradicated the evil scourging the land, but also whisked away the bodies of the magicians casting the spell, causing them to become deranged ghosts.


Characters original to Children of the Rune do not have official romanization.

Episode 1: ''Winterer''

Boris JinnemanThe main character in Winterer. His name means 'warrior'. He is from Travachess and is the second son of Yulkan Jinneman. He learned the holy chant in the Islands of the Moon, but is unable to use it because of a vow he took before leaving the islands for the final time. His sword fighting style is called Tigris, and is one of Ganapoly's styles. His other name is Daphnen, meaning 'laurel tree', or 'peace', which he uses in the Islands of the Moon.
Yevgnen Jinneman – Brother of Boris. After realising that his wound is slowly affecting his sanity and causing him to attack his brother, he kills himself.
Lucian Kaltz – Friend of Boris. His father is a wealthy merchant. He is compared to spring.
Nayatrei –The last survivor of her tribe. She followed a red-haired man because he saved her life. Her weapons are daggers, knives, and axes, and she can disarm other people. Her tribe is related to Ganapoly.
Issaac Dukastel – He helps Boris and Isolet, while escaping two of the Four Wings. Also known as Sigonu.
Ispin Charles/Charlotte Bietris de Orlanne – She briefly appears during the Silver Skull competition.
Lanziee Rosenkranz – A republicanist from Keltica, the capital city of Anomarad. Friend of Boris. Helps boris to escape from Count of Bellnore.
;Islands of the Moon
Isolestie – Her name is usually shorted to Isolet. She is the daughter of Ilios, previous Priest of Sword. She is the only person who knows Tiella. She taught the Holy Chant to Boris. Her name means 'Noble Isolation'. Isolet and Boris have emotion similar to love to each other.
Nauplion – Teacher of Boris. In the island of the Moon, he is the Priest of swords. Because of the rules of the island, he has many fictitious names: Walnut, Isilder San, and others. His name means 'Navigator'.
Liliope – Daughter of the ruler of the Islands of the Moon. Her name means 'Voice of a Lily'. She causes the banishment of Boris.
Endimion – Ghost, living in the ghost's layer of the island. He gave a dice to Boris that can cast illusion spells. He is called as 'Your High-ness' from other ghosts.
;Mortal Land
Epiviono – The only survivor of the Prayer of Destruction, a failed spell that was attempted to prevent the fall of Ganapoly. Neither dead or alive, he cannot die. When he is in Ganapoly, he kills the adventurers who come to steal the ancient treasures. He doesn't know how he survived and became immortal. When he was young he was known as the child genius because of his aptitude in magic, that remains unchanged. After becoming immortal, his body is turned into a skeletal state but his face remains unchanged. His name means 'To Survive'.

Episode 2: ''Demonic'' (데모닉)

Many characters from the first book also appear in the second.
Joshua Von Arnim – Son of Duke Franz Von Arnim from Keltica. He is also known as "Demonic" because of his genius, even young age, he could plan critical strikes to the democratics. He is the main character of part 2.
Maximin Liebkne – He is the best friend of Joshua. He had an unhappy childhood because his father ran away; now he doesn't believe in fathers. Even compared to the Demonics, he has great logical skills—sometimes over a Demonic's level. He also has good instincts. His violin, 'Capriccio', can play Holy Chants, but the violin is difficult to play. He is afraid of Juspian's family and runs away from them, and hates learning about magic in the Nenyaffle.
Clariche de Avril – Riche is her nickname. Her other name is Riche Mongpleine. She worked as a seamstress before meeting Joshua. Although it was not directly mentioned, she went back to being a seamstress after the events in book 8.
Lanziee Rozenkranz – After sending Boris away, Lanziee became a republican. He planned the fall of the Arnim family, which played a critical role in the fall of the Keltica Republic. When he failed to kill Duke Arnim, he was captured by the kingdom's 8th Corp. After suffering immense torture, he escaped prison with the help of the Arnim family itself. He goes into hiding at Neyaffle.
Evenoa von Arnim – Elder sister of Joshua. She is mentally retarded, but she sometimes wins against Joshua at chess. Both she and Joshua like each other, and Joshua is shocked when she died of poisoning.
Hispanie von Arnim – Grandfather of Joshua. He is a demonic, but he can't see any ghosts.
Alberike Juspian – Father of Tichel. He ages extremely slowly compared to regular humans. He made a flying ship based on Ganapoly's ships.
Tichiel Juspian – Born into a magician family. She is very pure and naive. She is the teacher of Maximin.
Cloe Da Pontina – Daughter of Duke Fontina from Keltica. Renowned for being perfect in every aspect among the nobles. Briefly appeared in both Winterer and Demonic.
Anarose Tikaram – She was the greatest magician after the Ganapoly fell. She sealed a fragment of the "Bleeding Spear", one of the artifacts that brought about the fall the Ganapoly.
Aurellie LowerTikaram – Descendant of Anarose and Ichabon.
The Promised Ones – They were the right arm of Ichabon von Arnim, first of the Arnim family and the first Demonic. When their promise didn't come true, they became ghosts after death. They follow Joshua, a descendant of Icavone. In the end, their promise is fulfilled and they pass into the Promised land, north of the continent.
Kelslity BalmiadBest friend of Ichabon von Arnim, and one of the Promised Ones. Many years after his death, he meets Joshua and becomes his friend.
Teostid da Moro – Husband of Evnoa. He loves only Evnoa and doesn't care for Joshua.
Enistam Voelf – Friend of Teo, and a mage. He made the main part of Teo's plan, Max Cardi.
Max Cardi – He is a clone of Joshua. He was given the name by Joshua, to be used as a stage name.
Salaryman – A assassin for hire. He is a top-class fighter. He chased Joshua, nearly killing him every time they met. His right hand was enchanted with a fragment of the Bronze Shield, one of the Weapons of Evil. He has a slight agoraphobia.

Special items and abilities

;Winterbottom Kit: A piece of plate armor and a bastard sword. They are magical items of the Jineman family, and was found in the Ganapoly ruins. Their power is second only to the Four Evil Weapons when they were whole.
;Weapons of the Evil: Cause of the fall of the Ganapoly. The easiest way to destroy them is to implant them into the body of a living being; however, the being is controlled by and can use the power of the Weapon, thus making it hard to destroy. Another way to destroy them is to use the Prayer of Extinction. This method requires more than one highly skilled Ganapolian magician, and they must sacrifice their lives.
;Magic Mirrors


In book 3 of Demonic, Kelsnity states that normal people cannot talk with ghosts. However, in book 7, a normal person, the consul of Periwinkle Islands hears not one, but four ghosts speak, and they were not speaking to the consul on purpose.