Dale MacDonald is a stupid and fat stereotypical Canadian. He has a crush on April June, who detests Dale, and has a best friend, Frank Shackleford, whose genius would go more appreciated if Dale didn't accidentally destroy most of his brilliant inventions with a stray puck. He owns a Zamboni and considers ice resurfacing a skilled trade. Devoted fan of hockey, especially his favourite team the Montreal Tourtières, in direct opposition to Frank's support of the Toronto Ptarmigans.
Frank Shackleford is a beer store manager and Dale's best friend. Also a modest scientific genius; he once created a portal to another galaxy. He holds a PhD in physics, but chooses to run a beer store because "physicists don't get two-fours on weekends".
Jacques LaRock is an unhygienic greasy spoon owner and former hockey player from Quebec who serves a poutine made from a recipe passed down from his mother.
April June is a waitress and ferocious animal rights activist. Dale is constantly trying to get her to date him, but she resolutely remains uninterested.
Angus MacAuger is an eccentric and hermetic Scottish trapper
Abby is Katherine's inquisitive and intelligent daughter. She is an aspiring anthropologist constantly trying to understand Canadian culture.
Constable Al is an Indo-Canadianmountie, the only form of law enforcement in Chilly Beach usually found riding his police horse.
Michel Mabuis is the nephew of Jacques LaRock, a friend of Abby who enjoys figure skating, a fact he has to hide from his hockey-obsessed uncle who considers figure skating weak.
Polar Bear a large animal who frequently eats citizens of Chilly Beach, somehow has with a pleasant British accent, and lives with a taciturn penguin
Minor characters:
Antoine DelVecchio is Chilly Beach's corrupt and incompetent Member of Parliament, voiced by Joe Flaherty.
Lucretia Marinara is the local butcher and girlfriend of Jacques LaRock, voiced by Andrea Martin.
Panic Man is a completely unnamed character who shows up regularly only to panic at whatever is happening and run off.
The President is an unnamed President of the United States, voiced in one episode by William Shatner. At one point he tells the President of Generistan to call him "Henry".
Dave Macdonald is Dale's perfect and well-loved older brother who appears in only one episode. He is the total opposite of Dale. He came to Chilly Beach hoping Dale would give him a kidney in order to live. However is turns out their blood types are incompatible, so one of them was actually adopted. He got his new kidney thanks to Frank, who was tied up and gagged by Dale. Apparently, he's from Saskatoon.
Chilly Beach is a small town located on a large iceberg, presumably in the Canadian Arctic. The iceberg is seemingly a floating island that can move around in the water. There are some trees and wildlife as well as a mountain with caves. According to at least one episode, the island is located in northwestern Hudson Bay, placing it in Nunavut. However where it is has been kept vague as it has been mentioned that they live in a province and in season 1, episode 15 are not actually a part of Canada.