Chinese barracks ship Xu Xiake

Xu Xiake is a barracks ship of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy. She was constructed by the 433rd Factory of China State Shipbuilding Corporation, also known as the Guangzhou Shipyard International. Built as part of the Project 048 aircraft carrier program, the primary task of Xu Xiake is to provide accommodation for staff working on aircraft carrier trials so that staff can remain on station to continue trials the following day, instead of returning to port and going out for the next trial, thus greatly shortening the time required. The ship is designed to support 2,500 people for three weeks at sea before needing resupply.
When not operating as a barracks ship, Xu Xiake can also be deployed as a training ship, and when necessary, deployed as troopship to evacuate oversea Chinese from flashpoints. The ship can be armed with 25 mm or 37 mm small caliber guns.