Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth

Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth is a Deemed to be University in the 'de novo' category approved by University Grants Commission. Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth started in 2016, the centenary year of founder of Chinmaya Mission, Swami Chinmayananda. The headquarters of the university are situated at the maternal home of Adi Shankara at Veliyanad, Ernakulam District, Kerala, India.


Chinmaya Eswar Gurukula (CEG)

The Kochi campus of Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth is known as Chinmaya Eswar Gurukula. It is situated at the maternal home of Adi Shankara acharya.

Chinmaya Naada Bindu Gurukula (CNBG)

The Pune campus of Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth is known as Chinmaya Naada Bindu Gurukula.
The campus hosts a prominent annual performing arts festival in the country – Naada Bindu Festival.


Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth is a Deemed-to-be-University in the 'de novo' category, started in 2016, the centenary year of the inspirational Visionary and Founder of Chinmaya Mission, and renowned Vedantic master, Swami Chinmayananda. CVV, with its headquarters at Chinmaya International Foundation, has been established. The organization offers common streams of courses with many electives and supplementary subjects.