
Chipolbrok, Chinese-Polish Joint Stock Shipping Company in Shanghai - established in 1951 in Tianjin and Gdynia as a "Chinese-Polish Enterprise of Shipbrokers" on the basis of an agreement between Poland and China in order to establishing a connection by sea between Chinese and Polish ports. The role of shareholders is fulfilled by the governments of Poland and China, represented by the ministers of transport of both countries. Chipolbrok is the oldest Chinese deep-sea shipowner and the first enterprise with foreign capital in the People's Republic of China. Its creation enabled the development of a transport network isolated from China, connecting it with the world trade and services market.


The first headquarters was in Tiencin in the area of "Five Great Avenues" at Ma Chang Dao 158 , then at Chongqing Rd. 23 . After moving the headquarters to Shanghai, it was first located in a building reminiscent of the Renaissance style, the former headquarters of The Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China from 1922 at the prestigious so-called The Bund, official address - Chung Shan Rd 18, and in 1998 in the building Gong Shang Lian, also called Heng Ji Plaza, at Yan An Rd. E. 55.