
Chittarkottai is a Tamil Panchayat in Ramanathapuram district, Tamil Nadu, India. It consists of seven villages but most of the village people work abroad.


Chittarkottai is Village Panchayat


It is situated 13 km North East from Ramanathapuram. Devipattinam is 5 km from Chittarkottai. The Chennai - Rameshwaram bypass road is crossing chittarkottai. The geographical position is: 9.25.38N / 78.54.15E


Mohamedia Higher Secondary School is very famous educational source around East Ramnathapuram with good results.
Mohamedia primary school founded on 1905 It has developed as
mohamedia middle school on 1957
Then mohamedia high school on 1971
as of now mohamedia higher secondary school is successful creating students from the surrounding villages.
after the development of Mohamedia Higher Secondary School, the area's education level went up to 95% and nowadays girls are studying more and better.