Chogyal Minjur Tenpa

Chogyal Minjur Tenpa was the 3rd Druk Desi and the 1st Penlop of Trongsa of Bhutan appointed by Ngawang Namgyal, the first Zhabdrung Runpoche. He was the significant figure in the early history of Bhutan having built numerous infrastructures and unifying the Sharchog Khorlo Tsibgye, comprising of eight Eastern Districts.


Chogyal Minjur Tenpa was born in 1613 in Min-Chhud, Tibet, as Damchho Lhendrub. He became a monk at an early age. He was appointed as Umzey before he was appointed as the first Penlop of Trongsa by Ngawang Namgyal in 1647. As a Penlop of Trongsa, he was sent to Sharchog Khorlo Tsibgye to fight against the lords of Eastern Bhutan, which he was successful. He built many dzongs of Lhuentse, Trashigang, Jakar, and Zhemgang, and built Ta Dzong in Trongsa. Later in the year 1667, he was appointed as the 2nd Druk Desi by Ngawang Namgyal.