Choose Life license plates

Choose Life license plates are specialty license plates available in 32 states in the United States that express an anti-abortion message. The plates are the concept of Choose Life, Inc., an anti-abortion advocacy group based in Ocala, Florida. It was founded in 1997 by Randy Harris, a commissioner of Marion County, after he got an idea to use specialty license plates as a way to raise funds for crisis pregnancy centers, which are nonprofit organizations established to counsel women against receiving abortions. Crisis pregnancy centers have been known to provide false medical information. The plates feature the phrase "Choose Life", a slogan used by the anti-abortion movement, and a child art-like drawing of two children.


In 1997, Choose Life, Inc. collected the 10,000 signatures and US$30,000 required under Florida law at the time to submit an application for a new specialty plate, and State Senator Tom Lee sponsored a bill in support of the tag's creation. The bill passed both houses of the Florida Legislature in early 1998, but was vetoed by then-Governor Lawton Chiles, who stated that license plates are not the "proper forum for debate" on political issues. While campaigning for the governorship later in 1998, Jeb Bush stated that, if elected, he would sign a Choose Life bill if approved by the legislature. Choose Life, Inc. went forward with the plate application again, and, after passing both houses, Governor Bush signed it into law on June 8, 1999. Since then, Choose Life, Inc. has been active in helping groups in other states pursue "Choose Life" license plates. As of April 30, 2010, Choose Life, Inc. reported that Choose Life license plates had raised over $12 million. On June 21, 2011, Florida Governor Rick Scott signed House Bill 501, which directs the funds from the plates directly to Choose Life, Inc.
Choose Life, Inc. is a non-profit organization, funded by donations and the sale of promotional items, such as T-shirts and neckties. A specialty license plate can cost an additional $25 – $70USD per year. Allocation of funds varies by state but funds typically go to crisis pregnancy centers, which are nonprofit organizations established to counsel women against receiving abortions.

States with ''Choose Life'' license plates

As of November 2018, Choose Life license plates are available in 33 states:
"Choose Life" license plates have been criticized by abortion rights organizations, which have argued that in authorizing them, but not offering plates conveying a pro-choice message at the same time, states have carried out viewpoint discrimination. To this charge, Russ Amerling, Choose Life, Inc.'s publicity coordinator, has replied that " have just as much right to have a plate as we do, as long as they go through the same process we did and not try to piggy-back onto the various states' Choose Life bills". He also pointed out that no " have ever applied for a plate of their own in any state, until an applied for a "Choose Life" plate."
Before June 2015, the United States Supreme Court had not yet clearly spoken on the legality of "Choose Life" specialty plates, and the federal circuits were split on their legality. The 4th Circuit had twice held that issuing a pro-life plate but not a pro-choice plate is impermissible viewpoint discrimination, but the 6th Circuit held the opposite. The 2nd and 7th Circuits had ruled that states could refrain from allowing any discussion of abortion on plates. When Walker v. Texas Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans was rendered in June 2015, however, it allowed states to determine whether it wants controversial language on their plates or not, including pro- or anti-abortion rights language, which precluded further litigation in New York against having the plates as had been decided a month earlier in the 2nd District, or further litigation in North Carolina for the plates, where the interpretation of the 4th Circuit that it was viewpoint discrimination to have one and not the other was reversed in 2016 after a review was demanded by the Supreme Court in light of Walker.
Five states currently offer license plates with an anti-abortion theme: Alaska, Hawaii, Montana, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.