Christian Democratic Party of Honduras

The Christian Democratic Party of Honduras,'' known by the abbreviation DC, is a political party in Honduras. At the legislative elections, held on 25 November 2001, DC won 3.7% of the popular vote and 3 out of 128 seats in the National Congress. Its candidate at the presidential elections, Marco Orlando Iriarte won 1.0%.
In the legislative elections of 27 November 2005, the party won 4 out of 128 seats in the Congress. Its candidate at the presidential elections, Juan Ramón Martínez won 1.4%.
DC's candidate in the 2009 presidential election was Felicito Ávila. The party supported the interim government of Roberto Micheletti which came to power in the 2009 Honduran coup d'état, itself a part of the 2009 Honduran constitutional crisis. Orle Solís was the party's candidate for the 2013 presidential elections.