Christian Jost (geographer)

Christian H. Jost is a French geographer.
Christian Jost is Professor of Geography and Development at the University of French Polynesia in Tahiti and Researcher at the Center for Insular Research and Observatory of the Environment one of France's leading laboratories for the study of coral ecosystems.


After thirteen years in various position and universities in Africa and two years on development projects in India, he went as professor at the University of New Caledonia where he opened the first diploma in geography and also spent a year as visiting fellow at the University of Sydney. He then moved to the University of Lorraine – Metz where he was director of the Geographical Research Center from 2006 to 2011, then joined the University of French Polynesia, where he is dean of the Faculty of Human Sciences, Languages and Literature. He is associated researcher with Research unit of CNRS Paris Sorbonne 1, IV, Paris 7 universities and IRD.


His research domains are - Systems of constraints and challenges of development and environmental management in the Global South - Eco-geosystemic evolution, coastal dynamics, geopolitics and valorization of the territory of La Passion - Clipperton - Water and Risks - Island Geosystems - Sociocultural and Ecosystem Values and Indicators of Landscapes as Decision Support.
The author of over 150 scientific papers on various subjects, Jost is particularly associated with Clipperton Island on which he has worked for over twenty years. Surveys he made there in 1997 and 2001 established that Clipperton is the largest colony of masked boobies in the world, with 110,000 individuals at that time. Jost was a member of SURPACLIPP, Viviane Solis-Weiss's 1997 Franco—Mexican oceanographic expedition to Clipperton, then led the 2001 follow-up expedition Passion 2001, which provided updated data on the geography, environment, water resources and management constraints of the atoll.
In April 2015 he organized the international scientific expedition PASSION 2015 with the assistance of the French Navy and French Army and brought fourteen scientists from France, France Overseas territories and Mexico to study reef biota, coastal dynamics, and inventory of flora, waste and fauna, etc. This was followed in October by an Important Colloquium he co-organized with French Deputy :fr:Philippe Folliot|Deputy Philippe Folliot and ONG at the French Assemblée Nationale.
He has been widely invited to give Conferences, Master or Doctorate seminars, or participate in international workshops and conferences.
Jost has also researched and written on other aspects of geography and ecology of the Pacific Ocean, and has worked, studied, and traveled extensively in Africa and Asia.



Films - participation