Christian Walls of Madrid

The Christian Walls of Madrid, also known as Medieval Walls, were built in the Spanish city of Madrid between the 11th and 12th centuries, once the city passed to the Crown of Castile.
They were built as an extension of the original walled enclosure, of Muslim origin, to accommodate the new districts which emerged after the Reconquista. With the establishment of the Court in 1561, it fell into disuse, demolished almost entirely.
Still standing are some remains integrated into the structure of various buildings of El Madrid de los Austrias, a name designating the Habsburgs's historic center of the city.
The most important are in the calles of los Mancebos, of Don Pedro, of del Almendro, of Escalinata, of del Espejo, of de Mesón de Paños and of the Cava Baja and as in Plaza de Isabel II and in the underground parking of the Plaza de Oriente. The remains that are still standing were declared a Historical and Artistic Monument in 1954.


The tradition attributes to the King Alfonso VII of León and Castile its construction, although it is assumed that work began before his reign, in the years immediately following the Christian conquest of Madrid, during the times of Alfonso VI of León and Castile.
At the beginning of the 13th century, the Walls were not yet completed, as stated in the Fuero de Madrid of 1202: "all the caloñas of the Council invest in the works of the Walls until finished". Various municipal documents suggest that could be completed in the second decade of the 13th century.
The defensive role the Walls played after the Reconquista, as consolidation of the places snatched by the Christians to the Muslims, and in the process of Christian repopulation was blurring in the 14th century and, especially in the 15th century.
The remarkable urban growth experienced by Madrid, with the development of new suburbs beyond the city walls, led to their demolition, especially after the 16th century, with the designation of the city as the capital of Spain.


The Christian Walls of Madrid protected an area of just over, as eight times larger than the space within the primitive Muslim Walls, of about. The total length was.
Unlike the Arab walled enclosure, built in quadrangular towers, the Christian structure was articulated from semicircular keep towers on layers of flint. The properties of this stone gave rise to one of the historic city slogans: "I was on water built, my walls are of fire."
It is estimated that there could have been between 130 and 140 towers, one every. The Walls were surrounded by an outer moat, along most of the perimeter, and as supports the toponymy of some Madrilenian routes. The calles of Cava Alta, of Cava Baja and of Cava de San Miguel were drawn on this pit or cava, after it was covered.
It included four gates, constructed in turn, each protected by the proximity of one or more strong towers. There are not preserved any archaeological remains of them:
At these accesses are added the three gates of the primitive Muslim Walls: the Arc de Santa María, the Puerta de la Vega, and Puerta de la Sagra.
Along the Walls were built several albarrana towers and watchtowers, which had a strategic location. These included the Tower de Alzapierna or de Gaona, that had a mandate to monitor sources Caños del Peral. The Tower de los Huesos, built in the 11th century by the Muslim population, was incorporated into the Christian Walls to protect the Puerta de Valnadú. The remains of the latter are exhibited in the underground car park of the Plaza de Oriente.

Most relevant remains

The most important remains of the Christian Walls of Madrid are integrated in various buildings and urban infrastructures. In most cases, its access is very limited, given the private nature of the apartment blocks where its are located: