Christoph Sramek

Christoph Sramek is a German music historian and music critic.


Born in Chemnitz, Sramek passed his Abitur in 1969 in Burgstädt. He also obtained a skilled worker degree as bricklayer.
From 1969 to 1973 he studied music education and German studies at the Leipzig University. His teachers included Richard Petzoldt and Werner Wolf in music history, in music theory and in piano. Bezirksverband Leipzig. Leipzig 1982,. His diploma thesis with Gerd Schönfelder as subject teacher deals with the topic Möglichkeiten aleatorischer musikalischer Gestaltungsweisen für das Musiktheater – untersucht an Fritz Geißlers "Zerbrochenem Krug". From 1973 to 1976 he was a teacher at the Polytechnic High School in Burgstädt. He also taught stenography at the Extended Secondary School.
From 1976 to 1979 he was an aspirant for musicology at the University of Leipzig. In 1980 he was awarded a doctorate by Udo Klement with the dissertation Studien zur Klangfarbe – unter Einbeziehung von Beispielen aus der Orchestermusik der DDR in den siebziger Jahren. From 1980 to 1988 he worked as an assistant in the research group Instrumental Music of the GDR and was temporarily head of the study department of the section for cultural and art studies. He began the Habilitation thesis Beziehungen zur Harmonik – ausgehend von Orchestermusikwerken Sachsens in den 1980er Jahren ', which he did not complete. In 1988 he received the teaching qualification. From 1988 to 1989 he also studied at the Charles University. Sramek taught from 1978 to 1997 at the.
From 1994 to 2015 he held a teaching position. From 2000 to 2003 he was twice deputy professor. In 2001 he was appointed Honorary Professor for historical musicology at the Institute of Musicology of the University of Music and Theatre Leipzig.
He works as a freelancer for the Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk. He also works as a music critic for music magazines such as ', Üben und Musizieren, ' as well as the Freie Presse and the Ostthüringer Zeitung. He wrote several CD booklets in the field of New Music and published composer portraits for the music publisher Breitkopf & Härtel. Sramek is a member of the board of the.
