Cistus salviifolius

Cistus salviifolius, common names sage-leaved rock-rose, salvia cistus or Gallipoli rose, is a perennial ligneous plant of the family Cistaceae.


The genus name Cistus derives from the Ancient Greek words κίσθος meaning basket, while the species name salviifolius refers the wrinkled leaves similar to those of the sage.


Cistus salviifolius has spreading stems covered by clumpy hairs. This bushy shrub reaches on average in height, with a maximum of. The oval-shaped green leaves are 1 to 4 centimeters long, opposite, reticulate, tomentose on both sides, with a short petiole.
The inflorescence holds one or more round flowers, long-stalked, arranged at the leaf axils. The five white petals have a yellow spot at the base, forming a corolla 4–6 cm in diameter. The stamens are also yellow and the anthers shed abundant yellow pollen. This plant is pollinated by insects entomophily, especially bees. The flowering period extends from April through May. The fruit is a pentagonal capsule, 5–7 mm long.


Cistus salviifolius belongs to the white and whitish pink flowered clade of Cistus species.



Cistus salviifolius cultivated in the nursery industry, and grown in gardens and public landscapes, often for its drought-tolerant and pollinator habitat attributes.


This showy wildflower is native to the Mediterranean region, in southern Europe and parts of Western Asia and North Africa.


This plant prefers dry hills, scrubs and open woodlands, at an altitude of above sea level. It grows very quickly after a fire.


Other synonyms reported by The Plant List include:
Cistus salviifolius contains flavan-3ols, oligomeric proanthocyanidins and prodelphinidins such as epigallocatechin-3-O-, epigallocatechin--epigallocatechin, epigallocatechin -3-O-gallate--epigallocatechin, epigallocatechin--epigallocatechin-3-O-gallate, 1-O-β-d --glucopyranosyl-3-methoxy-5-hydroxybenzene, epigallocatechin--epigallocatechin-3-O-gallate, 1-O-β-d- glucopyranosyl-3-methoxy-5-hydroxybenzene and rhododendrin. It also contains ellagitannins of the punicalagin type.