Civis Analytics

Civis Analytics is an Eric Schmidt-backed data science software and consultancy company founded by Dan Wagner in 2013.
Wagner served as the Chief Analytics Officer for Barack Obama's 2012 re-election campaign.
Civis Analytics helps businesses "understand their data, use that data to make predictions, and get recommendations on what steps to take next". Civis works with Fortune 500 companies and the country's largest organizations, including Verizon, Airbnb, Discovery, FEMA, Boeing and the American Red Cross.
The company has recently faced controversy for firing an employee after he tweeted a short summary of a . The paper, written by an African American professor, examined the effect of protest movements on public opinion. After the firing, Civis Analytics initially released a statement claiming that had not fired any employees for tweeting academic papers, but later retracted that statement and replaced it with a new statement that omitted that claim.