Clarke Creek, Queensland

Clarke Creek is a locality in the Isaac Region, Queensland, Australia. It is situated between Mackay and Rockhampton on the Old Bruce Highway.


At the 2011 census, Clarke Creek was counted within the area of Valkyrie which had a population of 307.


Most of the citizens in the area own or work on cattle stations for a living. There is a service station which many car and truck drivers rely on. At the service station there is also a caravan park used by many temporary road workers in the area.


Clarke Creek State School opened on 17 May 1971. It is located on May Downs Road and has a tennis court, swimming pool, oval, playground facilities and amenities.
Only around 20 children attend Clarke Creek State School each year, and once they have finished year 7 they leave to go to boarding school in a town such as Rockhampton, Mackay or Clermont.


Clarke Creek is known for its campdrafting and many come to see this event.