Clarksville-Montgomery County School System

Clarksville-Montgomery County School System is a system of schools in Montgomery County, Tennessee serving a population of over 150,287 people. It is the fifth largest district in Tennessee and has earned whole district accreditation. CMCSS is also ISO 9001 certified. Millard House II is the Director of Schools.
There are 42 schools in the district: one K-5 Magnet School, 23 elementary, 7 middle, 7 high, an Alternative School, one Early Technical College at Tennessee College of Applied Technology, and one Middle College, which is located on the campus of Austin Peay State University. CMCSS also offers eight specialized, interest-driven college and career academies within our high schools.
The school system employs about 5,100 teachers, administrators and support staff.

List of schools

High schools
Middle schools
Elementary schools