Clausius (crater)

Clausius is a lunar impact crater that is located in the southwest part of the Moon, in the small lunar mare designated Lacus Excellentiae. It is completely enclosed by mare material, although the tiny satellite crater Clausius A lies just to the north. The rim of Clausius is low and sharp, with a slightly oval shape that is longer in the north-south direction. The interior floor has been flooded by basaltic lava, and appears level and featureless with a darker surface that matches the mare surface that surrounds the crater exterior.

Satellite craters

By convention these features are identified on lunar maps by placing the letter on the side of the crater midpoint that is closest to Clausius.
A36. S43.9° W7 km
B36. S40.1° W23 km
BA35.7° S40.1° W17 km
C35.4° S38.9° W15 km
D38.2° S44.6° W18 km
E36.4° S45.5° W6 km
F36.5° S38.1° W26 km
G37.1° S41.0° W6 km
H37. S39.6° W7 km
J37.2° S42.7° W4 km