Clinton High School (Clinton, Illinois)

Clinton Community High School is a secondary school located in Clinton, Illinois. Students that attend the school are located in Clinton as well as surrounding towns such as Wapella, Kenney, Hallsville, and Lane.
The superintendent is Curt Nettles and the principal is Jerry Wayne.
School and class sizes: In 2012–2013,566 students attended Clinton High School. The average class size is about 18.5 students per class, which is below the state average of students per class.
Graduation and attendance rates: 2012-13 graduation rate at Clinton High School was 90.5% versus the state average of 87%. Attendance rate was 93.2% versus the state rate of 94.2.
ACT scores: Clinton had an average composite score of 19.7 on this exam.


The Clinton Maroons participate in the Central Illinois Conference in the following sports: