Clone (TV series)

Clone is a 2008 BBC Three comedy series starring Jonathan Pryce and Mark Gatiss, centred on the creation and education of the world's first human clone. Its first series of six 30-minute episodes premiered on 17 November 2008. After a planned second series was vetoed by BBC Three, Gatiss hinted at plans for a big-screen version, however this failed to materialise.


Intended to be a prototype super soldier who will eventually replace Britain's volunteer Army, his creator, the brilliant scientist Dr Victor Blenkinsop discovers, to both his horror and distaste, that his new super weapon is not quite the awe-inspiring creation he expected. In fact, the clone is more likely to hug someone than shoot them.
This modern-day Dr Frankenstein and his monster go on the run hoping to find the neurological trigger that will fix the clone and unlock his superhuman abilities. Unfortunately, they must also avoid Colonel Black and his crack team of security agents, whose mission is to find them and kill them.


Series one (2008)

Regular cast