A closed communityintentionally limits links with outsiders and outside communities. Closed communities may be of a religious, ethnic, or political nature. Governance of closed societies varies. Typically, members of closed communities are either born into the community or are accepted into it. The opposite of a closed community is an open community, which maintains social relations with external communities.
was an American ecologist and pioneer who studied vegetation formation and development, he created the idea that plants are supposed to birth, grow/mature, and decay. Their life cycle is similar to that of a human being. Clements also tested a theory known as "climax community"; he used areas of vegetation in comparison to actual communities. The community is always constant and thriving, even if there were to be a catastrophic event, an individual or small group can manage to survive and regrow or rebuild in the same area they originated or relocate else where and succeed. The concept of many plants and animals coexisting together, having an ecosystem and building upwards was the theory he aimed for. The general theory later failed due to the fact that there was little or extremely basic comparable information about the logic of a being, the concept worked more in favor towards smaller organisms. Also, the theory became outdated and later on replaced with new sociological facts or science theories.
Security of residing in a controlled/supervised area
Easier to find common interest, idea development with someone in your community
Being able to finish work more efficiently, naturally, and more originally due to having no interference with exterior
Limitation and "cut-off" of diversity which leads to more difficulty accepting or incorporating outside concepts
Constantly having the same people in a closed area within a large communities of 50 or more can cause a resident to feel overwhelmed with an urge to escape
The fear of being overpowered or intimidation/competition
Can close themselves so off from advancements that have a hard time reintegrating into society
In a 1957 article published in the Southwestern Journal of Anthropology, archaeologist Eric R. Wolf argued that the organization of subsistence farmers into "closed, corporate communities" is a recurrent feature "in two world areas, widely separated by past history and geographical space: Mesoamerica and Central Java."
Medicine in closed communities
presents particular challenges to closed communities; external action may assist in stopping the spread of the disease.
Religious and cultural communities
Some religious or ethnoreligious communities are considered closed. For example:
The Amish are regarded as closed community; the Amish intentionally set themselves apart from the modern world).
* "closed cities" — secretive, specially controlled zones that contained nuclear reactors and other sensitive facilities continue to exist in Russia today.
Eritrea - Human Rights Watch has described Eritrea as one of the world's most closed countries. Eritrea has a closed, militarized, and heavily fortified border with Ethiopia, its regional rival with which tensions are high.