Club-winged manakin

The club-winged manakin is a small passerine bird which is a resident breeding species in the cloud forest on the western slopes of the Andes Mountains of Colombia and northwestern Ecuador. The manakins are a family of small bird species of subtropical and tropical Central and South America.

Sound-making mechanism

Like several other manakins, the club-winged manakin produces a mechanical sound with its extremely modified secondary remiges, an effect known as sonation. The manakins adapted their wings in this odd way as a result of sexual selection. In manakins, the males have evolved adaptations to suit the females' attraction towards sound. Wing sounds in various manakin lineages have evolved independently. Some species pop like a firecracker, and there are a couple that make whooshing noises in flight. The club-winged manakin has the unique ability to produce musical sounds with its wings.
Each wing of the club-winged manakin has one feather with a series of at least seven ridges along its central vane. Next to the strangely ridged feather is another feather with a stiff, curved tip. When the bird raises its wings over its back, it shakes them back and forth over 100 times a second. Each time it hits a ridge, the tip produces a sound. The tip strikes each ridge twice: once as the feathers collide, and once as they move apart again. This raking movement allows a wing to produce 14 sounds during each shake. By shaking its wings 100 times a second, the club-winged manakin can produce up to 1,400 single sounds during that time. In order to withstand the repeated beating of its wings together, the club-winged manakin has evolved solid wing bones. The wing bones are not as efficient for flying, but are what has evolved via sexual selection.
While this "spoon-and-washboard" anatomy is a well-known sound-producing apparatus in insects, it had not been well documented in vertebrates.