Coat of arms of Aragon

The coat of arms of Aragon was first chronicled in 1499 by Pablo Hurus. The coat displays Aragon through the years from its establishment to their monarchy and is made up of four shields:
First quarter: The Sobrarbe tree or the Ainsa shield represents the legendary Kingdom of Sobrarbe and the establishment of Aragonese liberty.
Second quarter: The Cross of Íñigo Arista represents the Pyrenees and the old Aragonese monarchy.
Third quarter: The St George's Cross with four severed Moors' heads represents the conquest as Aragon extended into the plains, with tradition stating that the saint helped the Aragonese in the battle. This quarter inspired the coat of arms and flag of Sardinia since Aragon ruled Sardinia from in the 14th and 15th centuries.
Fourth quarter: The Bars of Aragon represents the familiar coat of the Kings of Aragon that took over all territories within the Crown of Aragon.