Code Monkey (song)

"Code Monkey" is a song by Jonathan Coulton, released on 14 April 2006 and part of his album Thing a Week Three released in December 2006. It is one of his most popular songs and has since been downloaded over one million times. The song has been described as a "rocking anthem about dead-end programming jobs."

In other Media

A music video for the song was created by Mike Spiff Booth using imagery from the World of Warcraft video game series and uploaded to YouTube on September 23, 2006.
The song has appeared in television commercials, and is the theme song for the G4 television network show Code Monkeys.
In 2008, the song was featured in an animated video presented at a free ASIFA event, written by Tom Weiser and IdleAmbition.
In 2012, Chicago-based performance troupe VStheUNIVERSE released a short film based on Coulton's work entitled "Code Monkey."