Cohors II Lucensium

The Cohors II Lucensium was a Roman auxiliary unit. It is attested by military diplomas and inscriptions.


Since there is no evidence for the suffix milliaria, the unit was a cohors quingenaria equitata. The target strength of the cohort was 600 men, 480 infantry and 120 cavalry, consisting of 6 centurias of infantry with 80 men each and 4 turmae of cavalry with 30 men each.


The cohort was stationed in the provinces of Moesia, Pannonia, Moesia Inferior, and Thracia, in that order. It is listed on military diplomas for the years 78 to 180/192 AD. The cohort's deployment in 80 in the province of Pannonia is controversial.
The first evidence of the unit in the province of Moesia is based on a military diploma dated to the year 78. The diploma lists the cohort as part of the troops stationed in the province. Further diplomas, dated 92 to 127, place the unit in Moesia Inferior.
Around 130 a vexillatio of the unit was stationed in Chersonesus in Crimea.
The first evidence of unit in the province of Thracia is based on a military diploma dated to 138. The diploma lists the cohort as part of the troops stationed in the province. Other diplomas dated from 155 to 180/192 attest to unit in the same province.


Locations of the cohort in Moesia and Thracia were possibly:
he following members of the cohort are known.


The military diploma, issued for the province of Pannonia, dated 13 June 80 AD, lists Cohors I Lucensium in one place and Cohors II Lucensium elsewhere. John Spaul, Jörg Scheuerbrandt and Margaret M. Roxan assign the diploma to Cohors I Lucensium, while Agustín Jiménez de Furundarena to Cohors II Lucensium, leading to uncertainty over the presence of the cohort in Pannonia.