Coji-Coji is a Japanese manga series by Momoko Sakura which was serialized in the magazine Kimi to Boku from December 1994 to May 1997. The manga was adapted into an anime television series titled Sakura Momoko Theater Coji-Coji which aired from October 4, 1997 until September 25, 1999 on TBS in Japan. It featured a talking snowman and a character with a kettle for a head.
In addition to the anime series, there is a Dreamcast party game from Marvelous Entertainment based on the television series. The Dreamcast microphone was used to play the game. The title character is voiced by Shizuka Aoki, and it also features the vocal talents of Urara Takano and Katashi Ishizuka. A pachinko game titled CRA Sakura Momoko Theater Coji-Coji was also released by NewGin in 2010. At least four different versions have been released.
A stage show Stage of COJICOJI was performed from August 21-25 2019.
Flower Head
Zhēngyuè jūn
Princess Umebachi
Hǔ tián jìn
List of episodes
- Coji-Coji is Coji-Coji
- Do your best!! Johnny-kun
- The Knowledgeable Grandpa
- Gran has been cheated
- Let's write a letter
- Edokko's House of Clogs has arrived
- To visit Atamahana-kun
- Let's go and hunt for Mushrooms
- The magical practice
- The Mystical Shop has arrived
- Today is Christmas
- The intruders of the Fairytale Country
- Shougatsu-kun's Activity!!
- The night the Northern wind blows
- Yakan-kun's worries
- Shougatsu-kun's matchmaking session
- Shougatsu-kun's matchmaking session
- Let's go and meet Yasuhiko-kun
- Eh!? Johnny-kun is an idol!!
- Okame-chan's life
- Kameyoshi-kun abstains from tea
- A very very tiny girl
- Gran bends the navel
- Shougatsu-kun's marriage ceremony
- Sunshine doll, Teruko
- Knowledgeable Grandpa's neck
- Recent Okame-chan
- Susie's Life
- Susie and Buhi-Buhi angered everyone
- Long-life Granny
- Yakan-kun is injured
- Yakan-kun for one week
- Shougatsu-kun's married life
- A frog's way of life
- Moore's art of hypnosis
- Dordes guides the lightning
- To be cool
- Orihime and Hikoboshi
- Mystery of the beauty of the moonlit night
- The Failure of the Mystical Shop
- Going for a sea bath
- Teruko has been kidnapped
- The storm has come!!
- Let's tidy up, Johnny-kun
- Melanie, the magic-user
- Okame-chan leaves home
- Tonight is the Tanuki Village Festival!!
- Sara-Sara-kun arrives
- Dordes's Castle's Big Pinch
- Let's organize a fashion show
- Touhana-kun's cousin
- Jiroh's part-time job
- A flower blooms on Ume-chan's head
- Learn to live on my own
- Gifts from the Mystical Shop
- Knowledgeable Grandpa's frightful rumors
- Kameyoshi-kun's ages
- The Truth behind Spider mask!?
- Harehare-kun's weather forecast
- Coji-Coji becomes a member of Great Tanukids!?
- A Hairstyle for Christmas
- The Angel of the year
- Shougatsu-kun's family expenses
- Pero-chan transfers school!?
- What type of people are incredible
- Sky for you
- Korosuke's parents have arrived
- The Winter General has arrived!
- The Reunion with Kameko-san
- Moore's art of hypnosis 2
- The night is too short
- I want to become a popular character!
- If I ride on a UFO...!!
- Yakan-kun's frustrations
- Sensei's secret
- Touhana-kun's cherry blossoms debut
- Kame-God's reflection
- Congratulations, Hinako-san
- To the meadows of Spring
- Piroro and Fuu had a fight!?
- Thank you, Kame-chan
- Jiroh's Love Island week
- The Son of the Mystical shop
- Houkyau-kun arrives!
- Teruko prays for rain
- Okame-chan's new product
- Shougatsu-kun is enthusiastic
- Knowledgeable Grandpa's book
- Nostradams arrives
- Worrying over free time
- The Sea of the summer night
- Gran's wife
- Nostradams's return
- Korosuke has a fever
- Midsummer's night's test of courage
- The Stormy day
- Where will Knowledgeable Grandpa's neck be delivered?
- Kame God's past
- Please help Katsubu!
- Coji-Coji has disappeared!?
- Shougatsu-kun and Hunako-san's new born baby