Colegio Estilo

Colegio Estilo is a private secular school in Madrid, Spain. It was founded in 1959 by Spanish writer Josefina Aldecoa, who was the Principal of Colegio Estilo for 52 years. The current Principal of Colegio Estilo is Susana Aldecoa. Colegio Estilo has today around 200 students and 30 teachers. It is a secular and artistic school, located in the area of El Viso, in Madrid, Spain.


Colegio Estilo was founded by Josefina Aldecoa in October 1959 in Madrid, Spain. Colegio Estilo was born of the need for a free, modern, and pro-European school.
Located at calle Serrano 182, in El Viso neighborhood, the impending closure of the school was announced in June 2019.
Willy Toledo and Marcos de Quinto studied at the Colegio Estilo.


Colegio Estilo follows the model laid out by the ILE. Art is a core subject from the age of three and there is individual monitoring and follow-up of each student.
Much of the classwork is carried out without text books and it is the children themselves who decorate their workbooks.


At Colegio Estilo, Language, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, History and Geography are taught in a creative way. It is the children themselves who craft their own books and notebooks. The students paint on easels, work with clay, fabrics, watercolors and all kinds of materials. Classical music often accompanies them as they work and create.
In general, students have five classes a week of English, three of Physical Education, two of Art, and one each of Music, Chess, Theatre, Creative Maths and Art History. In 5th and 6th grades children are introduced to French as a third language, as well as History of Religions.
