Colin McComb

Colin McComb is an American writer and game designer, who is best known as and for his work designing the Planescape setting for the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, and as the creative lead for the role-playing video game .

Career history

Immediately after his commencement, McComb took at a job at TSR, Inc., where he produced numerous role-playing game supplements and magazine articles relating to those games. He won an Origins Award for Best Game Adventure in 1993 for Dragon Mountain, and another for New Role-Playing Supplement for the Birthright Campaign Setting in 1995. He is primarily known for his work on the Planescape line, for which he and Monte Cook were the primary designers after the departure of David "Zeb" Cook from TSR.
In 1996, McComb left TSR to take a job at Interplay Entertainment's roleplaying division, later called Black Isle Studios. While there, he had a small role in the design of Fallout 2 and a far more significant role in the design of '. McComb left Black Isle in 2000, and moved to Detroit, Michigan with Robin Moulder, who would become his wife in 2001.
In addition to his gaming work, McComb contributed interviews, album reviews, and concert reviews to the underground magazine Outburn. In 2004, he reunited with his Planescape cohorts in the Malhavoc Press book, Beyond Countless Doorways, which received an Honorable Mention for Best Writing at the 2005 ENnie Awards. He and his wife also designed and wrote the manual for the MMORPG RYL in 2005.
McComb taught at the International Academy of Design and Technology.
On August 10, 2012, it was announced that McComb joined Wasteland 2 team as writer, reuniting with his Planescape cohorts once again.
McComb was the creative lead for inXile's 2017 RPG
McComb works for the game studio Drop Bear Bytes as the Creative Lead on their upcoming title Broken Roads, an RPG set in a post-apocalyptic Australia.

Notable work