Collaborative human interpreter

The collaborative human interpreter is a proposed software interface for human-based computation specially designed for collecting
and making use of human intelligence in a computer program.
One typical usage is implementing impossible-to-automate functions.
For example, it is currently difficult for a computer to differentiate between images of men, women and non-humans. However, this is easy for people. A programmer using CHI could write a code fragment along these lines:
enum GenderCode
Photo photo = loadPhoto
GenderCode result = checkGender
Code for the function checkGender can currently only approximate a result, but the task can easily be solved by a person. When the function checkGender is called, the system will send a request to someone, and the person who received the request will process the task and input the result. If the person inputs value MALE, you'll get the value in your variable result, in your program. This querying process can be highly automated.


On November 6, 2005, launched
CHI as its business platform in the Amazon Mechanical Turk . It's the first business application using CHI.


CHI is originally mentioned in Philipp Lenssen's blog .