Collegio di Milano

The Collegio di Milano is an Italian inter-university campus that provides a stimulating academic and residential experience to outstanding students enrolled in one of Milan's seven Universities. It is recognized as a University College of Merit by the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities, and Research as an institution with a high-quality educational offer pursuing merit and interdisciplinary learning.


The Collegio follows the tradition of the halls of residence that have been spreading across Europe since the end of the Middle Ages. In Italy, the University colleges of merit are high-quality catered institutions that provide an educational program that integrates and complements the University program aimed at students with high potential selected on academic merits.
The Collegio di Milano opened its doors on 29 September 2003 and was founded by Milan's seven Universities and other public and private institutions. Students should be enrolled in one those seven Universities, but students enrolled in the Milan Conservatory, the Brera Academy, the Humanitas University, the Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti, the Istituto Europeo di Design, and the Scuola Politecnica di Design can also be considered. Since the admission is based on merit only, studentships are also available.
The Collegio is run by the Fondazione Collegio delle Università Milanesi, a nonprofit institution owned by Milan's seven Universities, local governments and private entities.

The Philosophy of the Collegio

Each year, the Collegio di Milano hosts 120 students, undergraduate and graduate, admitted through an open competition based on academic grades and talents, who enjoy, in addition to room and board, a set of academic and pastoral services such as study rooms, junior and senior common rooms, tutorships, mentorships, conferences, libraries, digital technologies, gym and sport facilities, honours programs, international exchanges, coaching and career services, volunteer experiences, and an overall academic environment that promotes a balanced and multidisciplinary education.
To remain a resident of the Collegio, each student should abide by specific duties such as being on track in his or her academic studies, maintaining an average of marks at least 27/30 and following the educational program of the Collegio. To each student who has successfully completed the College program, the Collegio releases a College Diploma.

The campus

The campus comprises buildings for 8,000 square-meters, designed by Marco Zanuso, and a 30,000 square-meters park. The buildings were raised between 1971 and 1974 for a center dedicated to African countries and restored on several occasions. The buildings remind the brutalist style of Andrew Melville Hall by James Sterling at the University of St Andrews.

Other University Colleges of Merit in Italy